This method can be used to improve cancer results in almost any cancer situation – to improve cure rate or reduce recurrence rate or even alleviate treatment side effects – method is totally safe and side effect free
Hi, my name is Karri Da Vinci, I am a wellness coach specializing in normalizing peoples breathing volumes.
A while back I found studies showing that all cancer patients over-breathe and that the more they over-breathe, the worse are their survival rates and survival times.
I also found a single study by oncologist cancer doctors made with 120 metastatic cancer patients – where the 3 year death rate of the patients dropped from 25% to 0% when the patients corrected their over breathing by lowering their breathing volumes to normal under the coaching of the doctors.
Besides improving the survival rate fixing over breathing had other benefits as well in the study. For example, it took away the fear of death from patients, because very soon in the breathing normalization coaching they realized they are going to survive their metastatic cancers.
The breathing normalization coaching the doctors gave in the study also reduced the side effect from regular cancer treatments and also helped to recover faster from them.Then It also fixed many other health issues such as edemas, allergies etc. and gave the patients more energy, better sleep, better mental and physical wellbeing’s.
This study result is as far as I know the best cancer study results ever.
It combined with other studies showing that all cancer patient over-breathe – suggests that cancer patients are making their cancers much much worse by over-breathing – as over-breathing seems to create more than 5 times higher death rates versus normally breathing.
This then locigally suggests that all cancer patients should probably fix their over breathing by lowering their breathing volumes to normal just like they did in the study.
Now because of this very promising study evidence, that suggest that over breathing is major cancer result worsener and that correcting over-breathing improves cancer results dramatically.
I now specialize in coaching cancer patients to lower their breathing volumes from too high to normal – to help improve their cancer results dramatically with the added benefit of increased health & wellness as well.
I am currently looking for coaching clients who want to try this method to improve their cancer results and overall wellness drastically.
For everyone interested I have made a 35 minute free video training where I explain the basics of this breathing normalisation method that you need to know before using this method. I show the studies and I explain why all people with cancers over-breathe and why correcting over-breathing helps to improve cancer results.
Get instant access to the training video by clicking the red button on top of this page that says “Yes I Want This” – and then giving you first name and email.
Now why does correcting over-breathing helps to improve cancer results?
I explain this in depth in the video, but in short, it works because over-breathing lowers immune system function and immune system fights against cancers quite effectively.
Doctors even believe currently that our immune systems cures cancers “often if not usually.” ( quote from most popular medical textbook)
This belief that immune system cures lot of cancers before they are detectable is supported by the fact that people taking immunosuppressive drugs get 5 times more cancers – due to their immune systems not eliminating their cancers in normal fashion.
This fact then that immune system fights against cancers potentially very effectively – means that correcting over-breathing which helps to improve immune system function – should and could help to improve cancer results even drastically.
And that exactly what seems to happen in studies.
Ok thats it.
Get instant access to the 35 minute free video training from red button on the top of this page to learn more how to improve cancer results.
When you access the video you also subscribe to my email list. On the list you get more important info about breathing normalization and cancers – that did not fit in to the 35 minute video training.
For example first week on the list you get two case examples of people who had terminal brain cancers ( glioblastoma multiforme) – whose treatments; surgery, chemo and radiation had failed to stop the growth of tumors and they were guaranteed to perish to their cancers – but then after using this breathing normalization method 6 months in coaching – when they got their MRI:s of the brains to check how their cancers are progressing -no tumors where to be found and their doctors declared them cured.
Based on study evidence and on what appears to be reasonably good real life results in coaching clients- I would strongly suggest anyone with cancers, to at least try to stop over-breathing – in order to get better cancer treatment outcomes.
Karri “Da Vinci” Koivula
Cancer Breathing Normalization Coach
P.S.: Summary of the key points of the above text:
Over-breathing makes cancer survival rates and survival times worse in all studies.
Also fixing over-breathing by lowering breathing volume to normal, seems to improve cancer results dramatically – according to one study made by oncologist cancer doctors.
Because of this evidence, all cancer patients should probably try to stop over-breathing.
Watch a free 35 minute video training about over-breathing and cancers and how to possibly normalize breathing volume. Video shows also the study evidence and real life case examples of coaching clients.
Get instant access to the training video from red button above where it reads “I Want this now”.
When you access the video you subscribe to Karri Da Vinci’s free email newsletter where you learn even more about breathing normalization and cancers.
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