Do you make this biggest cancer fighting mistake? 

You don’t use your own immune system effectively against the cancer cells!

Find out how boosting immune system strength by just breathing correctly – lowered metastatic cancer patients 3 year death rate from 25% to perfect 0% – in one study done by cancer doctors

You probably knew, that immune system fights against cancer cells.

Yes, that’s true.

But, did you know that doctors even believe, that immune system cures maybe even most of the cancers we get?

Yes, that’s true also.

For example, the most commonly used medical textbook in medical schools, the Dr Guytons Textbook of Medical Physiology – says in the cancer chapter page 41, that, ” immune system cures cancers often if not usually”

Because our immune system has the ability to fight and eliminate cancer cells, and seems to be even able to cure cancers often.

One super important, but often overlooked factor, whether we win cancer or not – is how strongly our immune system works against cancer cells.

Even in situations where immune system isn’t able to cure the cancer outright – if it works strongly enough, it can slow down the progress of the cancer and thus help give doctor’s treatments more time to work.

You would therefore definitely want to have your immune system working the strongest it can – against the cancer cells.

And the good news is, I’m here to tell you the key secret to getting your immune system working – the strongest it can.

Secret to getting immune system strongest it can be – so it can fight more effectively against cancer cells 

Hi, I’m Karri Da Vinci a BreathHealth Coach, I coach people with cancers to use their own immune systems against cancers more effectively – by teaching them to breathe correctly.

I do so, because I have found scientific evidence that all people with cancer breathe incorrectly – and also scientific evidence, that breathing incorrectly lowers cancer results a lot – due to incorrect breathing causing significantly lowered immune function.

And maybe the most importantly, I even found a study made by cancer doctors, in which fixing incorrect breathing to correct in metastatic cancer patients, caused a high 25% 3 death rate of incorrect breathers, to become 100% 3 year survival rate – in correct breathing group. Which is about as ideal result one could hope to get.

Heres all the cancer evidence in a nutshell:

  • 1. All scientific studies show, that all cancer patients breathe incorrectly – so if you got cancer you breathe incorrectly
  • 2. All studies also show, that the more incorrectly cancer patients breathe, the worse both their survival times and survival rates are
  • 3. Studies also show, that as the cancer progresses and worsens – that people start to breathe more and more incorrectly – which worsens the situation even more 
  • 4. Studies show, that doctors can even predict somewhat accurately how long a person with cancer lives – by just measuring how incorrect their breathing is 
  • 5. In a study in which cancer doctors coached 59 metastatic cancer patients to change their incorrect breathing to correct – the result was that the patients that corrected their breathing, had a perfect 0% 3 year death rate – while the patients in the control group, who kept breathing incorrectly – had high 25% 3 year death rate. The group that breathed correctly – also had less side effect from chemo and radiation – had their health improve a lot – and also stopped fearing dying to their cancers
  • 6. Further evidence 1: In western countries before industrialization, with pre-industrialized lifestyle – people automatically breathed correctly on average and they had even up to 90% less cancers then
  • 7. Further evidence 2: Modern populations who still happen to breathe correctly, seem to have almost no cancers at all. Example Kitava island. In this island 80% smoke, but they have never had a case of verified lung cancer or other cancers, except in people who moved away from the island and its primitive lifestyle – and developed incorrect breathing habit due to modern industrialized lifestyle

Because of this promising evidence – I have specialized to coach cancer patients to fix their incorrect breathing to correct to improve their cancer outcomes.

I’m now looking for new clients to coach how to breathe correctly.

If you are interested to learn more how correct breathing could benefit you – then watch my free training webinar called Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system function to fight cancer and win

You can access the webinar by clicking the red button on top of this page, where it says ” Yes I Want this” and then giving your email and first name.

Free Webinar – Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system function to fight cancer and win

The webinar video training explains what is correct breathing and what is incorrect breathing according to currently accepted medical science.

The webinar shows the study evidence that all people with cancer breathe incorrectly.

The webinar explains the science how incorrect breathing makes immune system weaker and shows the aforementioned study evidence that incorrect breathing makes cancer results worse

Te webinar shows the study in which metastatic cancer patients went from 25% 3 year death rate to 100% 3 year survival rate – when they started to breathe correctly.

Then the video also explains what is the only effective way to fix incorrect breathing to right.

When you access the video, you also get my free daily email newsletter from which you find more key info about cancers and breathing and also info about new scientific cancer related discoveries.

Newsletter also includes case examples of people who corrected their breathing. First week you will see two terminal brain cancer case examples whose cancers got eliminated after they started to breathe correctly – you will also hear how their doctors reacted when they saw these unusual results.

Ok, click the red button on top of this page to watch the the webinar video now.


Karri Da Vinci 

BreathHealth Cancer Coach 

P.S.: Discover why incorrect breathing might be killing you to cancer by lowering you immune system function by accessing free webinar called Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system function to fight cancer and win

– webinar shows scientific evidence how incorrect breathing affects cancer survival by affecting immune system function – Access the webinar by clicking the red button on top of the page, where it says ” Yes. I Want This” and giving your email and first name.

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