And find out how boosting immune system strength by just breathing correctly – changed metastatic cancer patients 25% 3 year death rate to perfect 100% 3 year survival rate – in one study done by cancer doctors
Hi, I’m Karri Da Vinci – a BreathHealth Coach.
I coach people with cancers.
To breathe correctly.
To boost their immune system strength.
In order to improve their cancer results.
I do so because I found a study.
In which metastatic cancer patients went from high 25% 3 year death rate, to amazing 100% 3 year survival rate.
When they were coached how to breathe correctly, by the oncologist doctors who organized the study.
This results is to my knowledge one of the best if not the best cancer results improvement achieved in a study ever so far.
Which is made the more amazing – due to the fact that result improvement – was achieved just by learning to breathe correctly.
In my opinion this warrants a further look in to it – due to the potential huge benefit.
So, to teach the basics how and why this method works and show this study in more depth- I have made a free webinar training masterclass called Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system to fight cancer and win. That can be accessed instantly by clicking the red button on top of this page. And by giving your first name and email.
Below is my story – how I found the study and why I made this webinar – and more about the contents of the webinar etc.
Now before I continue – I should also remind that learning to breathe correctly is not alternative to proper treatments – the patients in the study got the best possible conventional treatments as well. Learning to breathe correctly was just an addition to that.
Then I want to remind also, that this one study does not constitute a scientific proof yet.
But keeping those things in mind – this method could be something to use in certain situations – since learning to breathe correctly has no downsides or side effects. And it is basically exactly the same in principle -then lowering abnormally high bodyweight to normal range through lifestyle changes.
Story how I found scientific evidence that breathing seems to affect cancer survival hugely
So, a few years ago.
I was talking to a relative of mine on a family occasion.
My relative told me she had just been diagnosed with cancer.
And as we discussed at some point she said, “Karri, after my cancer treatments are over next year – we should meet and do the thing together, we where planning to”.
To which I replied to her, “Yes, sure let’s meet after your cancer treatments are done, when you got time”.
Well that was the last time we talked.
We never had a change to meet again.
As cancer took her unexpectedly fast.
I was shocked to my core by this event.
I had lost older relatives and acquaintances to cancer before – but this was the first time cancer took someone – still to my eyes- relatively young person.
How could this happen – I thought to myself – how could so many people still be lost to cancer despite good treatments.
And at that moment I swore – I would never feel this pain again, nor let anyone else feel this pain – if theres any change I could make a difference.
And I started to obsessively search for a way to improve cancer results dramatically.
This may sound like a crazy thing to try to achieve- an ultimate sign of self hybris
But I felt it wasn’t – because I had already earlier in my life solved a major back pain issue by going to medical library pain book section and finding an relatively unknown medical textbook there – that explained and solved my back issues
So I knew from experience that there are solutions invented by doctors – that although useful – remain unknown for various reasons.
So what I am saying is that – I wasn’t trying to solve myself the problem from a scratch like a scientist or a doctor would.
Rather I was trying to find if some doctors had already found a good method – that had just been ignored
Which is much more reasonable and a grounded thing to try to do.
And so I went on my journey of discovery. Equipped just with a bit of faith due to my earlier experience, and powered by my recently acquired fiery conviction to help people with cancers – due to my relative dying unexpectedly to cancer.
First discovery: immune systems importance
First thing I discovered on this journey.
Was that immune system fights against cancers – as it is able to detect and eliminate cancer cells naturally.
Which is btw the reason why immunotherapies can exist.
This was something that most people probably knew.
But, then I also found something – that is not well known by most people.
I found that doctors actually believed as a medical fact, that immune system actually cures – maybe even most of the cancers we get.
For example the most commonly used medical textbook of medical students the Dr Guytons Textbook of Medical Physiology – said in the cancer chapter page 41 that , ” immune system cures cancers often if not usually”
This got me thinking.
If immune system cures cancers ” often or usually” – meaning it maybe even cures most of the cancers we get.
Maybe a good simple way to improve cancer results – would be if there was some way in which we could boost the immune system to significantly stronger.
No need to reinvent the wheel – let’s just find a way to make immune system stronger – and let its do its job – job that its already proven to do quite well.
Also in cases where immune system isn’t able to cure the cancer outright – stronger immune system could still slow down the progress of the cancer – to give more time for doctors treatments to work.
Thats sounded something that could work.
The big discovery : Study finds that boosting immune system strength by breathing correctly improves cancer survival massively in metastatic cancer patients
Then, as I kept looking for a good way to boost immune system strength.
I hit the proverbial motherload and made the BIG breakthrough discovery I was hoping to find.
I found that doctors had found out something absolutely remarkable regarding breathing and cancers.
Specifically I found following:
1. That incorrect breathing weakens immune system and correct breathing strengthens immune system.
2. That all studies measuring breathing of cancer patients – showed that all cancer patients breathed incorrectly.
3. That all studies showed that the more incorrectly cancer patients breathed – the lower their survival rates and times were.
4.Remarkably I found even some studies where doctors were able to predict the remaining lifespan of cancer patients from how incorrect the breathing was.
5. Then to top of those findings. I found the single most groundbreaking study ever regarding cancer.
I found a study where doctors tested what happens in real life situation – when you coach incorrectly breathing metastatic cancer patients to breathe correctly.
In this study the doctors had 109 metastatic cancer patients altogether – then the doctors coached 59 of those metastatic cancer patients to breathe correctly – and compared the results to remaining group of 50 patients who kept breathing incorrectly.
The results was that coached correctly breathing metastatic cancer patients had an astonishing 100% 3 year survival rate, while the incorrectly breathing metastatic cancer patients had a high 25% 3 year death rate.
That is probably the best ever cancer result improvement achieved in a cancer study ever – so far.
And to get the result – it only took breathing correctly.
The scale of the benefit and the nature of the discovery – reminded me of the invention of the importance of hand washing by Hungarian doctor Semmelweis – a discovery which led to huge reduction of unnecessary deaths and suffering, in surgeries and childbirths – when doctors started to wash their hands before procedures.
But, that’s not even all the benefits.
In the study the correct breathing group also improved their health. Raised their energy levels. And had a less side effects from regular treatments. Plus they also had a great sense of relief, as they stopped fearing dying to their cancers – because they started to believe that with correct breathing and a stronger immune system – they are no mere victims of their circumstances, but actually masters of their fate, and that they got the upper hand now against their cancers.
After that I knew I had to master this method myself.
Mastering the art of correct breathing
And then next, to realize my dream of helping people with cancers – in a way I wasn’t able to help help my friends and family members before – I spend years to mastering this method myself.
Mastering the method is a right word because breathing is automation – you cannot just consciously start to breathe correctly when you know what the correct breathing is – instead you have to do many things to slowly push the breathing to correct direction.
The time spend mastering the method however was very beneficial for me – because at start I breathed very incorrectly and also because correctly breathing is most important thing for health in general as well – not just for immune function. So using this method myself changed my health and wellbeing to levels I could never have imagined.
Mastering the method however was not easy – It took me countless of hours of painstaking work to gather required info from different sources and it was hard and disjointed also put it in to practice. And it took me years to achieve what could have been achieved in months.
So to make the use of the method easier and quicker – after many years of practice I systemized the method to what I call The BreathHealth Method or The BreathHealth Way – so as to make it easier for people to understand & practice and benefit.
Then after that I started to coach people online in the use of this method to improve their cancer results.
And to help people learn the basics how this method works and the science of it quickly – I made a free webinar called Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system to fight cancer and win.
The free webinar is accessible instantly – by clicking the red button on top of this page – where it says YES. I want this now.
The scientific evidence in a nutshell – that suggests that people fighting cancers should boost their immune system strengths with correct breathing
- 1. In all scientific studies that measure breathing, cancer patients have shown to breathe incorrectly
- 2. All studies show, that the more incorrectly cancer patients breathe – the worse both their survival times and survival rates are
- 3. Studies also show, that as the cancer progresses and worsens – that people start to breathe more and more incorrectly – which sadly worsens the situation even more
- 4. Multiple studies show, that doctors can in some instances predict somewhat accurately how long a person with cancer lives – by just measuring how incorrect their breathing is
- 5. In a study in which cancer doctors tested the effect of correct breathing on a 109 metastatic cancer patients – the effect was that 59 patients who the doctors coached to breathe correctly had a 0% 3 year death rate – while the 50 patients in the control group, who kept breathing incorrectly – had high 25% 3 year death rate. The group that learned to breathe correctly – also had less side effect from chemo and radiation – had their health improve a lot – and also stopped fearing dying to their cancers
- 6. Further evidence 1: In western countries before industrialization due to pre-industrialized lifestyle – people automatically breathed correctly on average and they had even up to 90% less cancers then
- 7. Further evidence 2: Modern populations who still happen to breathe correctly, seem to have almost no cancers at all. Example Kitava island. In this island 80% smoke, but to my knowledge they have never had a case of verified lung cancer or other cancers, except in people who moved away from the island and its very natural lifestyle – and developed incorrect breathing habit due to modern industrialized lifestyle
Free Webinar – Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system to fight cancer and win
To help people learn the basics how this boosting immune system strength with breathing stuff works – I have made a free training webinar called Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system to fight cancer and win.
Heres whats in the webinar training:
- The webinar explains what is correct breathing versus incorrect breathing – according to currently accepted medical science.
- The webinar explains the science how incorrect breathing makes immune system weaker.
- The webinar shows study evidence that all people with cancer breathe incorrectly, and that the more incorrectly people breathe – the worse the results get.
- The webinar shows the study in which metastatic cancer patients went from high 25% 3 year death rate to perfect 100% 3 year survival rate – when they started to breathe correctly.
- The webinar reveals why our current atmospheres gas consistency combined with modern lifestyle makes us develop incorrect breathing easily
- Then the video also explains what is the ONLY effective way to fix incorrect breathing to correct – as all others have only 1% success rate.
- The webinar also shows the BreathHealth way 4 pillar correct breathing framework how to fix breathing to correct and a simple BreathHealth Way 4 step correct breathing blueprint – that I use both with my coaching clients to get my clients to breathe correctly quickly and as easily as possible.
When you access the webinar video, you also get my free daily email newsletter, which gives more key info about cancers and breathing that did not fit in to the short training webinar.
Newsletter also includes case examples of people who corrected their breathing. First week you will see two terminal brain cancer case examples whose cancers got eliminated after they started to breathe correctly – you will also hear how the first persons doctor, a famous danish neurosurgeon reacted when he saw that theres no tumors visible in the brain scans anymore.
Ok, click the red button on top of this page to watch the the Secrets how to breathe correctly to boost immune system strength to fight and win cancer webinar now.
Karri Da Vinci
BreathHealth Coach
P.S.: Limited time free gift.
Access the free video webinar right now and you also get a free PDF copy of my upcoming new book called
BreathHealth Cancer Revolution – How to fight and win cancer by boosting immune system strength with correct breathing ( Value 8.99$ )
You will get a free PDF copy of this book to your email address as soon as the book is out later in year 2025.
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