You breathe incorrectly and thats making you gain weight – especially on a stomach area – plus making it harder and slower to lose it and near impossible to keep the weight of long term
You probably knew that a lot of people struggle to lose weight.
And also that those who do lose weight with hard work – that they struggle to keep the weight of long term.
Yes, thats true.
But did you know that according to studies, that staggering 95% of people fail to loose weight longer term.
Yes, that’s also true.
So according to studies, weight-loss is almost guaranteed to to fail for everybody.
Which means most are working hard for zero results.
That cannot be right.
Theres gotta be a better way.
And there is.
Hi, I’m Karri Da Vinci a BreathHealth Weight-Loss Coach.
I was frustrated that people struggled to lose weight and when they did – that only a tiny percentage was able to keep those hard earned results longer term.
I thought there must be some better way.
That there must still be some unknown secret root cause reason – that explains why the results don’t come easy and don’t stick very long.
A reason that also would give us an easier and faster way to lose weight and keep it of permanently.
And luckily I found one.
It was hiding in plain sight.
Secret root cause of weight issues and the ultimate solution for easier, faster and more permanent weight loss – that specifically targets stomach fat
Ok, so what its this secret root cause then that I discovered?
Now, this might sound weird or even crazy at first, but bear with me.
I found that the root cause of weight issues – is simply “incorrect breathing”.
Let me explain.
So, the ultimate reason why we eat, is to feed our cells with energy -right.
Because of this, we obviously feel hunger, as a response to lack of cell energy.
Now, how do our cells get energy?
Well, our cells get energy from food, but not only from food.
Cells get energy from food, when food is burned with oxygen inside the cells.
Oxygen is also needed to produce energy to cells.
And thus lack of oxygen inside the cells, can cause the same hunger effect, then a lack of food would.
And as it happens “incorrect breathing” is a thing, that reduces the amount of oxygen -that gets delivered inside the cells.
And thus “incorrect breathing” causes elevated hunger – that leads a person to overeat and gain weight.
More ways how incorrect breathing causes weigh loss to fail
But thats not all. The lack of cell energy due to incorrect breathing, also makes body to lower the metabolic rate to save energy, which also is a hindrance to weight-loss.
Then the body also starts to save energy by feeling less desire to move and exercise – and instead want to just glue itself to the sofa.
Incorrect breathing also makes the long term weight loss also fail almost alway – because in a low cell energy state, the body is trying to get people to eat more all the time, and because the feeling never goes away – at some point its easy to slip back to overeating again.
But maybe the worst thing about low cell energy from incorrect breathing, is that it starts to grow the stomach fat stores. This happens because body reacts to low cell energy state, by producing more cortisol stress hormone, that helps to burn muscles for energy, but sadly this hormone at the same time puts fat to the stomach area.
So, incorrect breathing is driving all common weight related issues; overeating, lowered metabolism, lack of energy to exercise, tendency to get stomach fat and inability to maintain weight-loss results long term.
And sadly incorrect breathing is extremely common in industrialized countries, because industrialized lifestyle causes incorrect breathing pattern to develop. And because of this almost everyone breathes at least a little incorrectly, in industrialized countries.
The golden ticket to lose weight easiest, fastest and permanently in a way that reduces especially the stomach fat
Fortunately, because incorrect breathing is the root cause – then it also means that correct breathing is also the solution – and a golden ticket to lose weight easiest, fastest and permanently in a way that reduces especially the stomach fat.
And thats exactly what I’m here for.
Hi I’m Karri Da Vinci a BreathHealth Weight Loss Coach.
I coach people to lose weight and achieve their dream body – by teaching them to breathe correctly – as I have found this to work better that anything else.
I’m now looking for new coaching clients to teach how to breathe correctly – in order to solve their weight loss issues once and for all.
If solving your weight issues once and for all with the help of root cause solution interests you – then watch my free webinar training to called “Secrets how to breathe correctly to lose weight easier, faster and permanently” to learn more – You can access the video by clicking the red button on top of this page that says “Yes. I want this now” and giving you first name and email to get instant access to the training video.
Some unique key benefits how breathing correctly helps weight loss and also health & wellness
- 1. Cells get more oxygen and thus more energy – this lowers hunger signals and leads to automatic weight-loss through eating less
- 2 Metabolic rate gets up as cells get more energy and thus body automatically burns more calories during rest or during exercise
- 3. When cells get more energy – general energy level goes up and its much easier to exercise a lot to burn loads of fat fast
- 4. When cells get more energy – every system in the body works better – this means health and wellbeing improves – before industrialization people breathed correctly and they had even up to 90% less various chronic health issues
- 5. Body goes though a anti aging transformation – lack of cell energy causes degeneration so with more cell energy body starts to regenerate more – which causes body to anti age remarkably
- 6. Excess stomach fat melts away – cortisol low energy stress hormone causes stomach fat – getting more cell energy thus reduces cortisol and helps to remove the stomach fat especially
- 7. High cell energy state means less stress and a mote stable good emotional state – because of this, no more emotional eating to try to feel better
- 8. Better overall hormonal profile – helps to reduce fat from stubborn problem areas and get more attractive fat distribution
- 9. Less desire to eat energy dense junk food – low energy state body starts to crave the most unhealthy energy packed foods which is why these foods are super popular and very hard to resist
Free Webinar – Secrets how to breathe correctly to lower hunger, boost metabolism and target stomach fat
So if you would be interested to utilize the power of correct breathing to solve weight loss issues once and for all – then watch my free training webinar video “Secrets how to breathe correctly to lose weight easier, faster and permanently
You can access the webinar video by clicking red button on top of the page and then giving your email and first name
The webinar explains what is correct and what is incorrect breathing – according to currently accepted medical science and explains also the science how incorrect breathing causes less oxygen to got to cells. The webinar show study proof that almost 100% of people in industrialized countries breathe incorrectly. The webinar also reveals what is the only effective way you can correct your breathing.
When you access the video you also get my daily free newsletter that gives you more key info about breathing and weight loss.
Ok now go watch the webinar by clicking the red button on top of this page.
Karri Da Vinci
BreathHealth Weight Loss Coach
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